There are many ways to choose a college. You could choose one based on where you want to live, where your parents went to school, or even where your friends plan to attend. When selecting a school, it’s important to consider various metrics in order to find the college that best suits you and your unique needs.
A metric is a measurement that is used to gauge the quality of an attribute, and essentially tells you if something is good or bad. For example, when you want to know if a movie is worth watching, you may look at movie reviews to see how many stars were given to the movie. The same sort of principle can be used when choosing a college.
What metrics should you analyze when trying to find the best college for you?
Choosing a college is both exciting and overwhelming. There are many colleges that have a lot to offer, but how will you find the right one for you? It’s best to know what you want from your college experience, so make a list of your requirements and consider the following when making your decisions.
- Location
It’s crucial to consider location when choosing a college, as this will determine how often you’ll be able to travel home and the expense of doing so. If your concern is a job upon graduation, make sure you are at a school located near potential employers.
- Safety
Most colleges have campus police and security guards who patrol the grounds, but find out more information about the school’s security services. It’s important that your campus is secure, and that there are systems in place to keep intruders out of dorms at night.
- Cost
Unless you already have a large college savings fund, cost is probably an important metric for you. Some prospective students may look at pricier schools, but for others, it’s important to afford college without taking out student loans. Remember to include room and board, along with tuition, when calculating the total costs for attending a school.
- Major
Make sure the colleges you’re considering have a good program in the major you’re interested in. If the university or college is highly ranked overall but is not so great for your major, it is not much of use to you. Some schools are known for their engineering programs, and other schools offer the top nursing programs in the country.
If you’re serious about a particular major, find out where the colleges you’re looking at rank in that field of study. Some colleges have outstanding programs where you’ll be able to get the best education, possibly in the country. Take this into consideration when you’re making your decision.
- Transfer Rate
You’ll want to consider the college’s transfer rate. If it’s high, it may mean that a lot of incoming students decide to leave.
- Jobs Right Out of School
If you worry about finding a job when you finish school, consider the percentage of students who receive a job right after graduation. Some schools have excellent job placement programs, assisting their students in making the transition from student to employee, and helping them find jobs after graduation.
- Extracurricular Activities
Consider a school’s extracurricular activities, in terms of both number and variety offered. These activities may include things associated with a field of study, recreational sports, volunteer groups, and religious organizations.
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